Affiliate Partnership Opportunities

The MyBody Analysis system provides Fitness, Gyms & Weight Loss Centres a great opportunity to enhnace services offered or even generate new business.

  • New memberships
  • Membership retention
  • Additional programs  e.g. 12 week challenges
  • Fitness assessments
  • PT leads
  • Educating members

Having the InBody 570 Composition Analysis machine at your gym will help increase membership sales and membership retention.

It will allow members to stay motivated, assess the effectiveness of their training and give your gym a point of difference. Perfect for 12 week challenges to get accurate prior and post readings of body fat lost and muscle gained.

Members can bring their friends and family into the gym for body scans, creating new leads for your gym and getting new faces through your doors.

We already partner with several fitness and lifestyle business. We'd welcome the opportunity to work with you too.

Please contact us to discuss the opportunities our InBody Analysis system can offer your business.


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